
Ablauf CiviCamp 3. Juni 2024




Eröffnungsrede & Keynotes


Session Slot 1


Session Slot 2




Lightning Talks


Session Slot 3


Gruppenfoto & Kaffeepause 


Session Slot 4







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  • ...oder trefft euch auf einfach auf eine Tasse Kaffee an der Kaffeebar!



Wenn ihr euch bereits fĂŒr das CiviCamp angemeldet habt, könnt ihr euch jetzt fĂŒr eure Lieblingssessions registrieren, indem ihr auf den Bearbeitungslink in eurer BestĂ€tigungs-E-Mail klickt. Ihr könnt eure Meinung auch spĂ€ter noch Ă€ndern, aber eine ungefĂ€hre Teilnahmezahl hilft uns bei der effizienten Planung und Raumzuteilung der Sessions.


Session Slot 1

Raum: Middle

[DE] CiviCRM: Eine KurzeinfĂŒhrung fĂŒr Neulinge

Was ist CiviCRM und welche Funktionen bietet es? Was macht Civi als Freie Open-Source-Software anders? Und wer ist Teil der CiviCRM Community?
Eine knappe EinfĂŒhrung und Demo mit Raum fĂŒr Fragen fĂŒr alle, die CiviCRM kennenlernen möchten.

Vortragende: Benedikt Kaleß (Software fĂŒr Engagierte e. V. / forumZFD) und Theresa Eberle (Software fĂŒr Engagierte e. V.)


Raum: Plenum

[EN] Streamlit and CiviCRM: A Winning Team for Custom UIs and Dashboards 

Streamlit is an open-source framework that enables developers to quickly and with minimal effort create interactive web apps for data analysis and machine learning. The implementation is carried out in simple Python scripts, supporting many widgets such as sliders, checkboxes, and graphs.
Streamlit apps automatically update when users input data, making it ideal for interactive data explorations and presentations. An example involving CiviCRM cases at "Hamburger mit Herz" demonstrates the freedom this platform offers and the potential it may hold.

Presenter: Ulrich Meyer-Martin (FlyingCivi)


Raum: Theatre

[EN] Funding Application & Grant Management

Together with Arbeit und Leben we developed a customizable and expandable framework to manage funding applications with CiviCRM.
The resulting solution combines a powerful CiviCRM extension for managing grant applications with a Drupal-based web portal for submitting applications. It facilitates the entire process of submitting and processing funding applications: submission, review, feedback, approval, generating payment instruction and proof of use with document and file upload.
In this presentation will showcase the successful pilot project and demonstrate how the generic development concept offers many opportunities for further development and organization-specific individualization.

Presenter: Martin Peth (SYSTOPIA) and Konstantin Dittrich (Arbeit und Leben)


Raum: Rooftop

[DE] Portal fĂŒr Förderwettbewerbe bei MINT Zukunft 

MINT Zukunft e.V. ehrt und fördert im Rahmen eines bundesweiten Wettbewerbs Schulen, die einen Schwerpunkt auf die MINT-Bildung legen.
In dieser Session stellen wir eine CiviCRM-Portallösung vor, die den damit einhergehenden Verwaltungsaufwand fĂŒr die Bewerbungen, die Beteiligung von ehrenamtlichen Juror*innen und die Bewertungen deutlich reduziert und die User Experience verbessert:

  • Portal mit Login-Funktion fĂŒr Schulen und Juror*innen (realisiert mit CiviRemote)
  • komplexe Bewerbungsformulare (realisiert mit Webforms, CMRF & Formprocessor)
  • Bewerbungspool und Bewertungsmöglichkeiten fĂŒr Juror*innen

Vortragende:  Anna Bugey und Stefan Frank (SYSTOPIA)


Session Slot 2

Raum: Middle

[DE] Superset, Talend und CiviCRM bei Viva con Agua

Viva con Agua nutzt seit mehr als 7 Jahren CiviCRM. Immer wieder gab es die Anforderung, Dashboards zur Kontrolle und Steuerung der MarktaktivitĂ€ten von Viva con Agua bereitzustellen. Zuerst ist dies jetzt durchgĂ€ngig im Bereich der Viva con Agua Wasser GmbH gelungen: dort wurde Superset als offenes Dashboard-Werkzeug ausgewĂ€hlt und darunter ein Datawarehouse mit verschiedenen Schichten aufgebaut. Diese Schichten werden ĂŒber das Extract-Transform und Load-Tool Talend nĂ€chtlich versorgt. Es werden Beispiele vom fachlichen Reporting hin zur Implementierung in den ETL-Schichten gezeigt. Diese Vorgehensweise wird nun auch im Viva con Agua e.V. fĂŒr das Spendenreporting genutzt.

Vortragende: Patrick Köhn (Viva con Agua) und Tore Buschsenja (FlyingCivi)


Raum: Plenum

[EN] CiviRemote - A Powerful Framework for Online Integration and More

The CiviRemote framework is powerful toolset consisting of CiviCRM extensions, Drupal modules and more that can be used for constituent portals, self service features, advanced online integration for events and forms and more. This session is aimed at advanced users, implementors and developers. Using case studies and examples we will cover:

  • The most important components of the framework and their respective focus
    Remote Tools: Connect CiviCRM Contacts with users of external systems
    • Remote Events: Fancy and or customized event registration forms on remote systems or your CiviCRMs CMS
    • CiviCRM Modular Remote-Access Framework (CMRF): Provides an infrastructure for the data exchange between a public facing website with a CiviCRM system.
    • Remote Activity and Remote Entity: Expose CiviCRM Entities so they can be viewed and edited by permissioned users in your frontend
  • When / why would you use the Remote-Framework instead of core components
  • State and roadmap of the project

Presenters: Jens Schuppe and Björn Endres (SYSTOPIA)


Raum: Rooftop

[EN] Remote Form Support in FormBuilder

We want to explore approaches to building forms, primarily focused on FormBuilder. We will showcase out recent work on remote forms. This involves use of oembed to embed FormBuilder forms remotely.

Presenter: Tim Otten (CiviCRM LLC)


Raum: Theatre

[EN] CiviCRM for Arts and Culture at Classical:Next

We present CiviCRM as a Single Source of Truth-Implementation for Classical:Next, the largest global gathering for new classical and art music. One central portal based on CiviCRM connects more than 1.400 users, provides booking features with a 2D room-model and serves external websites and a new mobile app with data. All data streams end up or origin in CiviCRM.

Presenter: Clemens Seemann (Classical:Next), Jens Werling (nussknagger), Patrick Förg (civilisten)


Session Slot 3

Raum: Rooftop

[EN] Automated Recruitment & Telemarketing at Amnesty International Vlaanderen

Amnesty International Vlaanderen uses street recruitment agencies to recruit new donors and telemarketing agencies to reactivate old donors or specific targeted groups. With a new extension (developed by CiviCooP) they can now pull data from street recruitment and telemarketing agencies (rather than received and clean CSV files) and process them automatically into contacts, SEPA mandates, activities and group memberships. We can now start using a new telemarketing or street recruitment agency a lot quicker and almost without any support from ICT.

Presenter: Erik Hommel (CiviCooP)

Raum: Middle

[EN] Resource Management & Matching

This session is for anyone who needs to manage human or physical resources and match them with resource demands. We are going to present the Resource Management extension that

  • provides an UI to define human and physical resources (based on contacts and custom entities),
  • allows to define resource demands including specific conditions,
  • can suggest resources matching your demands and allow you to assign them,
  • blocks a resource for the specified timeframe when it is assigned to a demand.

Also some online integration features are already implemented (inviting contacts to participate in a matching opportunity using event forms). The extension has a flexible data modell which allows for customizations as well as extending the current scope and use cases.

Presenters: Jens Schuppe and Björn Endres (SYSTOPIA)

Raum: Plenum

[EN] SearchKit Reporting and Visualisations

This session will look at building reports on CiviCRM data using SearchKit; and progress to make these reports visual with the new ChartKit extension. I’ll aim to mix user-level demos with some technical questions, as well as discussion of next steps for the visualisation project and how others can contribute going forward.

Presenter: Ben Walpole (CiviCRM Core Team)

Raum: Theatre

[DE] Spendenformulare mit Twingle

In dieser Session geht es um die Anbindung von Twingle-Spendenformularen an CiviCRM. Wie werden die Daten aus den Twingle-Spendenformularen in CiviCRM abgebildet und wie können Workflows bis hin zu komplexen GeschĂ€ftsprozessen abgebildet werden? Außerdem wird die neue Möglichkeit der Integration von Twingle Shops vorgestellt.

Vortragender: Marc Michalsky (ForumZFD)


Session Slot 4

Raum: Middle

[EN] Improving How CiviCRM Looks: Present and Future

In this session we look at approaches to improve CiviCRM’s appearance at present, and unveil the future strategy to retheme Civi. Customisation of CiviCRM’s admin interface can be done with themes like Shoreditch, Haystack; in the front-end via Views/WebForm in Drupal/Backdrop or the Hamburg-created tool YooThemePro in WordPress/Joomla; as well as at smarty template level. Nic Wistreich, author of the Finsbury Park theme and co-author of the new retheme strategy, will then present for the first time CiviCRM’s plans to bring out a new default theme, while improving accessibility and mobile/tablet responsiveness across the software.

Presenter: Nic Wistreich (visualist)

Raum: Theatre

[EN] Enhance your Time Management with CiviAppointment for CiviCRM/CiviMobile

Our innovative CiviAppointment booking functionality, designed to streamline your scheduling process. With our user-friendly system, user can easily book appointments with specific contacts, all while viewing available time slots at a glance. Our system categorizes appointments by type, ensuring clarity and organization throughout the booking process. Whether it’s a consultation, meeting, or any other appointment type suitable for an organization, it’s possible to quickly identify available slots and secure booking hassle-free. Experience the convenience of efficient appointment scheduling with our intuitive platform!

Presenter: Tetiana Oliiarchuk (Agiliway)

Raum: Rooftop

[DE] Management von Ehrenamtlichen mit HiOrg & CiviCRM

Der Landesverband ASB Schleswig Holstein muss eine große Anzahl von Ehrenamtlichen managen, die in unterschiedlichen regionalen VerbĂ€nden organisiert sind. Viele der RegionalverbĂ€nde nutzten fĂŒr die Planung von EinsĂ€tzen und das Tracking von Qualifikationen, Ausbildungen usw. bereits die Spartensoftware HiOrg, so dass eine besondere Herausforderung war, diese Informationen mit CiviCRM zu synchronisieren. In dieser Session stellen wir vor wie:

  • Qualifikationen, Ausbildungen und viele weitere Informationen mit Hilfe des Entity Construction Kits verwaltet und mit dem SearchKit in die OberflĂ€che integriert werden
  • Mit Hilfe einer neuen CiviCRM-Erweiterung die Multi-Instanz-Anbindungen von HiOrg ermöglicht, Informationen zu Ehrenamtlichen, ihren Qualifikationen, Ausbildungen usw. synchronisiert werden

Vortragende: Kai Kulschewski (ASB Schleswig-Holstein) und Jens Schuppe (SYSTOPIA)

Raum: Plenum

[EN] Customized Workflows with the CiviCRM Extension “SearchActionDesigner”

Many workflows in CiviCRM are based on a search query, e.g. "search for all contacts for whom a certain condition is met and send them an email". But sometimes the actions are more complex: If you want to send an email that contains a personalized PDF attachment, and if, at the same time, you want to make a specific entry in a user-defined field in the contacts, this is only possible in a very cumbersome way and with a high risk of operating errors. The SearchActionDesigner though makes it possible to execute several actions at once in one search action. Freely defined as a no-code solution.

Detlev Sieber and Peter Reck present an example of what they have done with SearchActionDesigner. Jaap Jansma, the original developer of the extension, presents the background of the extension. And will explain on how you can contribute towards this extension.

Presenters: Detlev Sieber (, Peter Reck (Stiftung Pfadfinden), Jaap Jansma (CiviCooP)